Ok, may possibly have declared this sorted a bit prematurely.

So, as a test to try and make sure I can record from at least four different channels at the same time (which is basically the reason I went for the UHD UE 4K as I wanted 3 or more tuners from one box and the options were apparently boxes with 1, 2 or 8 tuners..), I set up 4 recordings of programmes that were to take place at roughly the same time which all appeared to go as planned apart from one, of Apocalypse Now on BBC 2.

Now, it turns out, after checking the schedule for last night, that the snooker massively overran and that's why I ended up with a recording of what looked just like a load of Adele performances.

However, before I located last night's schedule, I did have a look at the tuner settings again and I wonder if I've made an error somewhere.

When I got to the Tuner Setup screen, Tuner B shows "19.2E, 28.2E" for the satellites. I'm pretty sure I only selected 28.2 when I was changing the tuners yesterday.

I also noticed, and I don't know if this is an issue or not, that if I start a recording on the Gigablue (in this instance it was on BBC1 HD) and then start going up and down the channels, when the info bar changes Tuner B never seems to be used - it was always tuner A showing yellow (which I assume is the indicator that it is in use) and tuner C showing green (which I assume means that it's in use and is the active tuner you're looking at)

So, do I still have a configuration issue, or is this expected behaviour?

