Quote Originally Posted by Comfysofa View Post
Hi Alias.....

dont want to incur the wrath but im learning here also.....the advice i gave was just what i had found so far (probably wrong but theyre you go) - again, im probably wrong and please put me right but i thought init.d was a kind of script folder if you will? and by putting that file there that you posted (i grabbed it too thanks very much) thats just a script to run something? but theres nothing to run??

on the vu i have i put the config folder for CCcam in folder a. (whatever that is - i cant remember) and then dump the actual bin file in folder b. /usr/softcams i think - restart the box and hey presto there it is....doesnt seem to work for the DB800 though - the only time ive gotten a cam to go on (MGCamd) ive had to dump an ipk in the root folder "/" and then do a manual install from the remote....or if youre lucky to find an image that has an external link to download cams through the interface...
Okay its pretty simple using my method extract the file I gave you and place it /etc/init.d
Now you can load any binary CCcam mipsel version call it CCcam place in /usr/bin chmod it to 755.
Now you need a file called mg_cfg and a file called newcamd.list in /usr/keys examples of these are found all over the net but if you need help I can give you specifics via PM.
Again I apologise for my intial comments it was 3 in the morning here and I couldnt sleep not that that is an exuse; I used to pride myself by helping newbies out