12 - Update build-enviroment

make update
After following all steps up to and including step 12 (https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2),I'm now stuck at 13 as site.conf does not exist (yet?)

13 - Update site.conf

- BB_NUMBER_THREADS, PARALLEL_MAKE set to number of threads supported by the CPU
- add/modify DL_DIR = " location for build sources " to point to a location where you can save derived build sources,
this will reduce build time in fetching these sources again.
site.conf does not exist yet in either the current dir (:~/openvix/build-enviroment) or in 'builds' dir (builds dir doesnt exist yet either)
After grepping, I see that BB_NUMBER_THREADS text exists in 'Makefile'

from there, I see site.conf being referenced as $(TOPDIR)/conf/site.conf which equals $(BUILD_DIR)/conf/site.conf
but also a reference to $(CURDIR)/site.conf:

Now, I can see in that Makefile that it (Makefile) writes out to $(CURDIR)/site.conf

        @echo 'SCONF_VERSION = "1"' >> $@
        @echo 'BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "$(BB_NUMBER_THREADS)"' >> $@
        @echo 'PARALLEL_MAKE = "$(PARALLEL_MAKE)"' >> $@
        @echo 'BUILD_OPTIMIZATION = "-O2 -pipe"' >> $@
        @echo 'DL_DIR = "$(DL_DIR)"' >> $@
        @echo 'SSTATE_DIR = "$(SSTATE_DIR)"' >> $@
        @echo 'INHERIT += "rm_work"' >> $@
        @echo 'BB_GIT_SHALLOW_DEPTH = "1"' >> $@
        @echo 'BB_GIT_SHALLOW = "1"' >> $@
So, I can create this file myself but just wondering whether there's a step missing or should site.conf have been spat out after I ran 'make update'?