Quote Originally Posted by abu baniaz View Post
This issue has come up several times. The idea/motive was to check you can reach the internet instead of specific listed sites. We used to check a few sites and one of them was offline issues for a while which caused problems at the time.

We added a check that you can reach google's dns server. I suppose a check if you can reach google will achieve same objective. Please feel free to submit a pull request. If it works for everyone, hopefully it will be added. We are not like other images who say our way or the high way.
Yes, like I say this is probably absolutely fine for nearly everyone. You could call me and the two other guys who've run into this "edge cases"

I had a quick look at the code and I can see in lib/python/Components/OnlineUpdateCheck.py and I stand corrected, it doesn't actually do any lookup, just connects to Ironically if this was cloudflare it would work in my environment, just bad luck on my part. Probably easiest to leave it as is, I would think if anyone runs into this they will end up here and be able to fix it themselves.