Thanks, cannot give you a fix as only pyc files in ipk.
Fault is here...
< 62414.5303> 09:14:36.7734 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 50, in finishedCB
< 62414.5309> 09:14:36.7740 File "XE-DIST/", line 205, in checkNetworkState
< 62414.5313> 09:14:36.7744 TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes
< 62414.5314> 09:14:36.7745 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<traceback object at 0xaf8efbe8>,(0,)) failed)
Most images OpenViX, OpenPli & OpenATV now return a string not bytes from the console command.
So the XE people need to change the left operand to a string OR use a call to Console with binary=True
leave you guys to talk to XE