Ok, now I have tried it I need to tweak a bit.

				if serviceWidth > (self.timelineFontSize + self.epgConfig.timelinefs.value) * 7.6:
					dateFormat = config.usage.date.daylong.value
				elif serviceWidth > (self.timelineFontSize + self.epgConfig.timelinefs.value) * 4.5:
					dateFormat = config.usage.date.dayshort.value
				elif serviceWidth > (self.timelineFontSize + self.epgConfig.timelinefs.value) * 2.85:
					dateFormat = config.usage.date.daysmall.value
Don't forget some fonts are wider than others, so in skins with narrow fonts such as Magic FHD and iSkin it leaves a bit of extra space, but in all skins it seems to trim the year before it goes out of bounds.