Quote Originally Posted by el bandido View Post
Attached is a log showing this time issue. This log was made by turning On the receiver from a cold boot, waiting a few minutes, changing to a dead channel and removing the Ethernet cable, waiting for the time to crash...
I've tried to reproduce this by unplugging my Ethernet cable and all aerial cables to tuners, then letting the box run for 50 mins (to ensure that an ntpdate-sync ran). This was ~20:20 to ~21:10.
The time progressed as normal through this.

My log shows:
< 1968.336> [Console] finished: /usr/bin/ntpdate-sync
< 1968.337> [NetworkTime] setting E2 time: 1562787745.97
< 1968.339> [StbHardware] Set RTC to Wed 10 Jul 2019 20:42 (rtc_offset = 3600 sec.)
whereas yours showed that ntpdate-sync had reset the time to 0 (or at least <= 10000).

I can't see why it would do that on one system but not on another.