Do I just modify the example file to point the channels to the number I want to use?
HTML Code:
<configuration description="RT One" channelnumber="161" lcn="161"/>
<configuration description="RT2" channelnumber="162" lcn="162"/>
<configuration description="TG4" channelnumber="163" lcn="163"/>
The above are entries in the Sky Example file which I want to replace with the Saorsat channels.
The Sky Example file, is the Freesat channels (Astra 28.2E) presented to replicate a Sky Channel List. I want to replace the three above empty channels with their Saorsat equivalents.
Do I just modify the Sky Exmaple file to remove the above three channels and then update the Saorsat Example file to remove all but the following:
HTML Code:
<configuration description="RT One" channelnumber="5537" lcn="5537"/>
<configuration description="RT2" channelnumber="5538" lcn="5538"/>
<configuration description="TG4" channelnumber="5539" lcn="5539"/>
<configuration description="RT One+1" channelnumber="5540" lcn="5540"/>
<configuration description="Oireachtas TV" channelnumber="5541" lcn="5541"/>
<configuration description="RT News Now" channelnumber="5542" lcn="5542"/>
<configuration description="RTjr" channelnumber="5543" lcn="5543"/>
Then update the channel numbers as follows:
HTML Code:
<configuration description="RT One" channelnumber="161" lcn="161"/>
<configuration description="RT2" channelnumber="162" lcn="162"/>
<configuration description="TG4" channelnumber="163" lcn="163"/>
<configuration description="RT One+1" channelnumber="###" lcn="###"/>
<configuration description="Oireachtas TV" channelnumber="###" lcn="###"/>
<configuration description="RT News Now" channelnumber="###[/B]" lcn="###"/>
<configuration description="RTjr" channelnumber="###" lcn="###"/>
Is it as simple as this?