I persuaded my wife to get me one of these boxes for Xmas and so far it is looking very good. (Purchased from WoS, of course).
Please accept my apologies in advance for such daft questions.
Three Physical Tuner Connections on the box are:
Tuner A
Tuner B
Tuner B out
I have two VM Cables connected the physical Tuner A and Tuner B.
The Vix Tuner Setup is as follows:
Tuner A: DVB-S2 (not configured)
Tuner B: DVB-C Enabled and working
Tuner C: DVB-C Enabled and working
1. Is it possible to use all 3 tuners? Ideally I would like two VM Cable Feeds and a Sky Satellite feed, but it doesn't appear to be possible.
2. If question 1 is not possible then I assume that if I connect a Sky Satellite feed to Tuner A and Cable feed to Tuner B?
Tuner B Out:
3. Can this be used as an digital aerial connection to my TV or is it be used as a FreeSAT feed on the TV?