Quote Originally Posted by Northern Monkey View Post
theres 3 of us? Wooo hoo
I've tried contacting Nordvpn, they didn't really have a clue, they pointed out a few guides for their other services that wasn't much help either.
Seems I've hit a brick wall, posted on 4 different forums and read probably close to a 1000 threads and got absolutely nowhere.
I've got nearly 14 months left on my Nordvpn account so buying a vpn router might be my only option.
I also went for the 2 years with Nord. I could put it on my router but thats too easy.i quite like the learning curve.(this one could win and defeat me) i did it with oscam and got there in the end ,never did buy a 4k box that needed oscam.
I sent nord a guide a month ago and they semmed quite interested,but the files haven't appeared.