Cheers Scwheeler. There wasn't anything obvious in /usr/lib/enigma2/ so I selected both the 'plugins' and 'components' folders in my backup settings - will this screw up any future build updates?
Within /usr/share/enigma2/ I selected both the 'MetrixFHD' and 'MetrixHD' folders.
Here's hoping this covers all the bases for any MetrixHD skin settings restore.
Re MetrixFHD (1080), I get the same problem others have mentioned where type is too small to read in places (eg. Menu/Plugins/...all menus too small and sit top left of screen).
Surely this is not the experience that you're enjoying and we've all just installed it wrong somehow? Would be nice to see a default install option available so we could all experience both skins correctly, then users could customise this default if they wanted.
Note my old 40" Sony LCD TV (KDL-40W4000) does output 1080p but maybe MetrixFHD is mean't for 55" screens and larger??