Last edited by twol; 22-01-16 at 21:51.
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
6. im not too sure on whats required for minidlna but this is the package thats built for openvix, so editing and updating the main bb might be a problem unless you know whats required etc.
5. oscam builds fine for openvix image, we use our own softcam bbs in our openvix folder in recipes-distro.
Vu Ultimo4K, OpenViX 5.0, 8xdvb-c, 8xdvb-s2, 2xdvb-t2
Vu Solo4K, OpenViX 5.0, 8xdvb-s2
Dreambox DM900, OpenViX 5.0, 2xdvb-s2, 2xdvb-c/t2
Terrestrial, Cable, Fixed 28.2e + Unicable2 LNB
abu baniaz (22-01-16),amadeus99 (23-01-16),Huevos (22-01-16)
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
Last edited by birdman; 23-01-16 at 03:44.
MiracleBox Prem Twin HD - 2@DVB-T2 + Xtrend et8000 - 5(incl. 2 different USBs)@DVB-T2[terrestrial - UK Freeview HD, Sandy Heath] - LAN/USB-stick/HDD
amadeus99 (23-01-16)
I'm building for vusolose.
MACHINE=vusolose DISTRO=openvix make image
I will retry the build and give feedback to the forum.
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
minidlna and oscam issues gone, thanks birdman.
From where can I download the opera-hbbtv?
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_fetch
| cp: cannot stat '/Playground/oe-alliance/sources/opera-hbbtv_20151222_0.tar.gz': No such file or directory
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
| ERROR: Function failed: do_fetch (log file is located at /Playground/oe-alliance/builds/openvix/release/vusolose/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/vuplus-opera-browser-util/vuplus-opera-browser-util-1.0-r42_20151222_0/temp/log.do_fetch.21513)
ERROR: Task 3159 (/Playground/oe-alliance/meta-oe-alliance/meta-brands/meta-vuplus/recipes-bsp/, do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 5524 tasks of which 5520 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish:
Such helpful people VU
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
amadeus99 (23-01-16)
Should I apply to get a password for ""? If yes, where can I do that?
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
I just want to build an image... How can I bypass this opera-browser issue?
Edit the oe folders and remove the opera compile etc its mentioned in the log files. You probably have to edit one of the .bb files in the same directory to remove any depends.
If you delete the folder containing the opera stuff, when you run the build it will parse the directories and tell you where any depends are located...if any
Not used to VU builds so would have to look at the oe-a to tell you the bypass.
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
try removing the from oe-alliance-core/meta-brands/meta-vuplus/recipes-bsp/
then see if the build complains when parsing the folders
Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
.........FBC Tuners:
------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K
twol your suggestion don't solve the problem of building a full working image.