Quote Originally Posted by ArowonA View Post
It says it's connecting successfully, The password error is because of the reason I posted in the other post ( http://www.world-of-satellite.com/sh...=1#post367589_ ) it's not important.

It's normal for internet access to go down once connected, it can take a few seconds to start routing properly. what happens if you connect and then run
do you get any replies?
i can telnet to the box and get replies when i ping with openvpn stopped.

with openvpn running and i telnet to the box firstly it takes about 10 seconds to allow me to login then when i ping i still get replies though thetimes are 123ms as opposed to 22ms with openvpn stopped.

when i run openvpn and use ssh wget -qO- http://ipecho.net/plain;echo i do not get an ip returned in the command window.
when i stop openvpn and try it reads the vm ip address which leads me to conclude that it isnt connecting through the remote server though i have to admit that i have a very limited knowledge of all this and am grateful for all your assistance.