Hi guys, I have Installed myNOVUM_FHD2 but now trying to install the NOVUM_FHD2_Plex vs.2.1 & the MediaPortal_novum on Vix's Hades Build 13 but still no hope, what could I be doing wrong, I have restarted several times and also tried to install on the following instructions
The directory for DreamPlex: usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins.
Installation Media Portal: after unzip follow the directory.
But still cant find DreamPlex in Plugins nor Media Portal.
What am I doing wrong guys...See screenshots below...and advise.
Screen 1.jpgScreen 2.jpgScreen 3.jpgScreen 4.jpg
Also How can I have the Weather on Screenshot 1 at the very top of the screen like in mynovumhd2black...where its very neat at the top.
Also is there anyway to have just the Programe Now On and coming Next only and nothing else ..How can I get rid of the SNR line as well as the BSKYB MHZ line.?