i cant fine apollo version 44. It skipped from 43 to 47. I want to try 44
I cant switch from streaming (8001) to transcode (8002) on the standard app as the port is fixed. Cant switch the box of at the moment anyway as the mrs is watching it!
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For the record streaming and transcoding both work fine on my laptop.
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well i dont know what it is then, on previous images before apollo i could stream whatever channel i wanted. It cant be a tuner problem because the strangest thing is that i can stream a non encrypted channel fine, when i try an encrypted channel, i get no picture unless my box is currently on that channel. I'm running the latest CCCAm and latest apollo image. I would go back to the older images such as helios and zues where it works fine, but then transcoding doesnt work on them images and i need that. I dont know what else to do.
Can someone try streaming an encrypted channel (not transcoding)throught their receiver while the box is either in standby mode or a another encrypted channel from what the box is currently on.
Please let me know if this works for you.
Please try to use the adroid VU app or any other enigma 2 app that allows streaming.
I will give it a go tomorrow with my Android device mate.
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Just tried the vu app on my android device and I can confirm that it works fine on stream and transcode.
Both non encrypted channels and encrypted channels work when the box is on standby.
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I dont know what is it then Graham. I upgraded to version 54 of apollo and it still does not work for me. I do not know why i just get a blank screen when i try to stream an encypted channel. Maybe it is something i am doing wrong. All my settings seem correct. I do not know what else to do.
Thanks for testing that tho mate. Appreciate it