Quote Originally Posted by fat-tony View Post
@adm - I've done some more experimenting with settings. I have a Quad Plus as well as the MB Twin. On the Quad Plus I still can't get uncompressed multichannel INPUT to play properly over HDMI. I get two channels of output being played back as 48kHz PCM streams. I guess more work is needed with the drivers etc. But this is sort of specific to my particular situation where I have multichannel FLAC sound files, so maybe ignore this for the moment.


Also, on the Quad Plus, but not on the MB Twin, you get the menu option to transcode AAC bitstream to Dolby, so you could use this to pass a transcoded DD 5.1 bitstream over S/PDIF, presumably. So, in your case you could keep your existing AV amp, but would need to upgrade from the MB Twin to a Quad Plus or similarly equipped STB. I presume it's a limitation of the chipset or drivers.
I see that you are in Ireland. Do you get Freeview+HD type broadcasts with AAC5.1? If so, and you have some recordings, have you tested with off-loading one to a NAS and then playing it back on the Quad Plus (I am assuming that this is what you do with the files with flac)?

I note that you specifically state that you have the option, but not that you have tested the AAC to DD 5.1 function on a broadcast. If it is just the MB Twin that has this not working, I will seriously consider buying something else.