Quote Originally Posted by judge View Post
All I can say is it's working perfectly fine for me, must have tried about 15-20 different transcoding streams this evening.
We went through quite a few test builds before the Apollo release, maybe 'The Boss' last tried transcoding on one of those or maybe he's using different browsers/os/video app tham I'm using...
Either way, I'm sure he'll test it agan now that atleast one of us can report it working.
The more ViX & Quad users that test this (and report their results) the better as not many of the team have Quads to test on.
Thanks for that, @judge. The only reason I raised a query was that there were mixed messages, so I wanted clarification. I've had my Quad Plus for almost two months now, so I'm keen to try a "localised" image. I would be really surprised if the LCD is going to be an issue as it works in all other images I've tried (albeit with varying degrees of implementation quality). To be honest, for me the LCD is a bit of a "gimmick", as it's pretty small at normal TV viewing distance