I believe there is a problem with Vu+Duo positioner functionality.
I have an EDON 2150 positioner on my Channelmaster C120 dish connected to Vu+Duo and it seems to work incorrectly when moving between remote positions. It works fine for example when moving from 13E to 19E but stops somewhere in the middle when going from 28E to 30W. It looks like some timeout happens or circuit overload protection. I have also noticed that it moves better (further) East than West.
The same configuration works perfectly fine with DM800 connected.
I have tried to play with "Satellite equipment setup" plugin settings (bottom 2 lines) but doing so makes Vu+Duo very unstable and rebooting with "green" screen when moving positions.
I have tried VTI and VTX images and the same problem exist with both!
Anyone here has positive experience setting up positioner with Vu+Duo?
Any feedback would be really appreciated!
Alexander aka Satbeams
DM800, DM500, Vu+Duo
CM C120 45W-...-57E
Gibertini-125 40E