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Thread: Rebooting Problems XP1000

  1. #1

    Junior Member
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    Jun 2013
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    Rebooting Problems XP1000

    I got XP1000 a month ago and im having problems with rebooting. Every time i try to watch a channel the channle works for 10 seconds and then my screen goes black and with a error message (your receiver encountered a software problem and needs to be restarted) and then reboots.

    I have updated to the latest firmware and i still have this problem.

    This is the log file i found in the receiver. Anyone know what the problem is and how i can fix this?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <crashdate>Mon Oct 21 15:05:34 2013</crashdate>
    <compiledate>Oct 21 2013</compiledate>
    <!-- Please email this crashlog to above address -->
    Linux xp1000 3.9.1 #1 Tue Oct 8 21:54:41 CEST 2013 mips GNU/Linux
    <kernelcmdline> ubi.mtd=rootfs rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs bmem=256M@512M bmem=16M console=ttyS0,115200n8</kernelcmdline>
    <nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets>
    Welcome to OpenViX for %h
    openvix 3.0 %h

    Collected errors:
    * opkg_conf_load: Could not lock /var/lib/opkg/lock: Resource temporarily unavailable.
    Collected errors:
    * opkg_conf_load: Could not lock /var/lib/opkg/lock: Resource temporarily unavailable.
    Collected errors:
    * opkg_conf_load: Could not lock /var/lib/opkg/lock: Resource temporarily unavailable.
    + (1) Background File Eraser
    + (5) Tuxtxt
    + (8) graphics acceleration manager
    + (9) GFBDC
    10800k video mem
    - double buffering available!
    3600kB available for acceleration surfaces.
    resolution: 1280 x 720 x 32 (stride: 5120)
    + (9) gLCDDC
    found OLED display!
    lcd buffer 0x7e7a78 8448 bytes, stride 132
    LCD resolution: 132 x 64 x 8 (stride: 132)
    + (9) Font Render Class
    [FONT] initializing lib...
    [FONT] loading fonts...
    [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
    + (10) gRC
    RC thread created successfully
    + (15) eWindowStyleManager
    + (20) DVB-CI UI
    + (20) UHF Modulator
    couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
    + (20) RC Input layer
    + (20) misc options
    + (20) AVSwitch Driver
    couldnt open /dev/dbox/fp0 to monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed!
    + (21) input device driver
    Input device "dreambox remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
    Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
    Input device "front panel" is a remotecontrol
    Found 3 input devices.
    + (22) Hdmi CEC driver
    eHdmiCEC: detected physical address change: 1000 --> FFFF
    eHdmiCEC: send message 84 FF FF 03
    + (30) eActionMap
    + (35) CI Slots
    scanning for common interfaces..
    cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input2
    eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
    eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(1, 1)
    done, found 1 common interface slots
    + (35) CA handler
    + (36) Stream server
    + (40) eServiceCenter
    settings instance.
    + (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
    + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
    + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
    + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
    + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
    reached rl 70
    ---- opening lame channel db
    reading services (version 4)
    loaded 639 services
    scanning for frontends..
    opening frontend 0
    close frontend 0
    found 1 adapter, 1 frontends(1 sim) and 6 demux, boxtype 3
    Use valid Linux Time (RTC?)
    [EPGC] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
    Loading spinners...
    [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/spinner/wait20.png
    found 19 spinner!

    setIoPrio best-effort level 3 ok
    main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
    [Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
    new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
    [Harddisk] enumerating network mounts...
    SKIN ERROR: {skin_display.xml}: display skin not found. Please contact the skin's author!
    defaulting to standard display skin... skin_display.xml
    Reading satellites.xml
    sec config cleared
    setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr BCM7346 (internal), need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
    slot: 0 configmode: simple
    diseqcmode: single
    sec config completed
    [Time By]: Transponder
    [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf...OK (Regular)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf...OK (Italic)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf...OK (Bold)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf...OK (Boldit)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Subtitlefont)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
    [SKIN] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/ViX-Common/CommonSkin.xml
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/valis_enigma.ttf...OK (Subs)
    Unknown device type: front panel
    [iInputDevices] getInputDevices <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
    Activating keymap: Default (US)
    Activating language English (UK)
    -> setting aspect: 16:9
    -> setting wss: auto
    -> setting policy: panscan
    -> setting policy2: letterbox
    --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
    [AVSwitch] setMode - port: Scart, mode: PAL, rate: 50Hz
    [EPGC Load] Poller disabled.
    [EPGC Save] Poller disabled.
    [EPGC] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/etc/enigma2/epg.dat'
    [EPGC] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
    couldn't open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output
    [EPGC] 409 events read from /etc/enigma2/epg.dat
    setLCDBrightness 25
    setLCDBrightness 127
    setLCDScrollspeed 150
    setLCDRepeat 3
    setLCDMode 1
    Setting OSD position: 41 636 27 537
    Setting OSD alpha: 255
    Setting 3D mode: auto
    Setting 3D depth: 50
    [EPGC Save] Poller disabled.
    [EPGC Load] Poller disabled.
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    Plugin Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
    [XMLTVImport] autostart (0) occured at 1382364324.6
    [AutoTimer] Auto Poll Enabled
    [SoftcamManager] AutoStart Enabled
    [VFD-SF8] sessionstart
    starting hotplug handler
    [ImageManager] AutoStart Enabled
    [ImageManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:05:24 IST)
    [BackupManager] AutoStart Enabled
    [BackupManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:05:24 IST)
    [VFD-SF8] sessionstart
    [VFD-SF8] Starting !!
    [VFD-SF8] initializing
    [VFD-SF8] initVFD
    [AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoStart Enabled
    [AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoBouquetsMaker Schedule Disabled at Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:05:24 IST
    [XMLTVImport] autostart (0) occured at 1382364324.84
    [XMLTVImport] WakeUpTime now set to -1 (now=1382364324)
    [SKIN] No skin to read...
    eWindowStyleManager::getStyle(style_id=1): NOT FOUND
    warning, skin is missing element state in <class 'Screens.PVRState.TimeshiftState'>
    RemovePopup, id = ZapError
    [Skin] Attribute not implemented: alphatest value: blend
    [SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'InfoBarSummary'>
    eWindowStyleManager::getStyle(style_id=1): NOT FOUND
    setValue 100
    Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
    Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
    Setvolume: 100 100 (raw)
    Setvolume: 0 0 (-1db)
    [LogManager] Trim Poll Started
    [LogManager] Trash Poll Started
    playing 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    [Picload] setPara max-X=100 max-Y=60 aspect_ratio=0.000000 cache=1 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
    [Picload] decode picture... /usr/share/enigma2/ViX-Night-HD/picon_default.png
    [Picload] setPara max-X=100 max-Y=60 aspect_ratio=0.000000 cache=1 resize=1 bg=#FF000000
    [Picload] decode picture... /usr/share/enigma2/ViX-Night-HD/picon_default.png
    RemovePopup, id = ZapError
    allocate channel.. 0823:0002
    opening frontend 0
    RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
    prepare_sat System 0 Freq 12662750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 4 orbpos 282 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
    tuning to 2062 mhz
    OURSTATE: tuning
    allocate Channel: res 0
    [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    allocate demux
    child has terminated
    pipes closed
    child has terminated
    pipes closed
    poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 32(16)
    poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 36(16)
    job Components.Task.Job name=LogManager #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
    [LogManager] probing folders
    [LogManager] found following log's: ['/home/root/logs']
    [LogManager] looking in: /home/root/logs
    [SEC] set static current limiting
    [LogManager] /home/root/logs: bytesToRemove -10325218
    child has terminated
    pipes closed
    ER plugin not found
    [OpenWebif] loading external plugins...
    [OpenWebif] no plugins to load
    [OpenWebif] started on 80
    [OpenWebif] started on 443
    poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 35(16)
    job Components.Task.Job name=LogManager #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
    executing opkg --add-dest /:/ update
    job Components.Task.Job name=OnlineVersionCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
    [SEC] invalidate current switch params
    [SEC] setVoltage 2
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    [SEC] setTone 1
    [SEC] sleep 10ms
    [SEC] update current switch params
    [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
    [SEC] setFrontend 1
    setting frontend 0
    (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
    [SEC] sleep 500ms
    (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
    OURSTATE: ok
    [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x1be9db8 running
    [eEPGCache] channel 0x1be9db8 running
    [EPGC] next update in 2 sec
    stop release channel timer
    ok ... now we start!!
    eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
    have 1 video stream(s) (0932), and 1 audio stream(s) (0933), and the pcr pid is 0932, and the text pid is 0934
    allocate demux
    decoder state: play, vpid=2354, apid=2355
    DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x932) - pcr - ok
    DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
    DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x933) - audio - ok
    DEMUX_START - audio - ok
    AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok
    AUDIO_PAUSE - ok
    AUDIO_PLAY - ok
    Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
    demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
    DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x932) - video - ok
    DEMUX_START - video - ok
    VIDEO_PLAY - ok
    DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x934) - ttx - ok
    DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
    disable teletext subtitles
    [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    RemovePopup, id = ZapError
    [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
    use pmtpid 0104 for service_id d3ca
    REF: 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    IS STREAM: False
    TEST 1: 400
    REF: 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    IS STREAM: False
    TEST2: 400
    REF: 1:0:13CA:823:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
    IS STREAM: False
    TEST2: 400
    eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
    have 1 video stream(s) (0932), and 1 audio stream(s) (0933), and the pcr pid is 0932, and the text pid is 0934
    decoder state: play, vpid=2354, apid=2355
    [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
    config mode: PAL
    config res: PA
    config pol: L
    config rate: 50

    current mode: pal
    current res:
    current pol: p
    current rate: al

    video height: 576
    video width: 704
    video pol: i
    video rate: 25000

    config.av.autores: False

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/VideoMode.py", line 387, in VideoChangeDetect
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'write_mode' referenced before assignment
    (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method AutoVideoMode.VideoChangeDetect of <class 'Screens.VideoMode.AutoVideoMode'>>,()) failed)
    [EPGC] start caching events(1382364334)

  2. #2
    Sicilian's Avatar
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  4. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Thanked 10 Times in 9 Posts
    Thanks hadn't updated software for ages and when i did the online update I started having problems with deep standby crashing, reflashing from usb now.
    Fingers crossed.

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