Nah - this one was one of the last 7025+'s - although ive had a bit of a breakthrough, just. After i got the black screen i reflashed again with the gemini4.7 image. Once id done this i ran barry allen and it failed on something to do with USB drivers in the kernel. But, no message about the second stage (looks like it took) and it looks like it is as i though - some sort of firmware upgrade aside from the regular image. i plugged in a usb stick which is thought about for a while then came up with it. I ran barry allen again which then tried to format the stick but then couldnt. Essentially it didnt then come up with the USB error, a step closer....

I took the stick out and then ran it again and then it ran, but installed to the hard disc. No great shake but id rather have it on the CF card then its on itso own separate area should anything happen to the hard disc. So, its now on but on the hard im going to reflash, disconnect the hd and then see if it forces itself to the CF card... im almost there, also with the (what i think its the latest version of Barry....)