Quote Originally Posted by goo View Post

Probably unrelated, but I cannot play large high bitrate 4K 24hz videos copied onto the Quad4K (they play ok on the Zgemma H7).
Handbraked to lower bitrates they play ok.

This may be down to differences in the manufacturer's drivers, but noticed that Zgemma has a 268Mb "Manufacturer Enabled Swap Eabled at Startup" compared to the 553Mb on the Quad4k.
Both have 1GB ram.
There is a "Disable Autostart" option for this swapfile, but it immediately re-enables itself on both boxes.
If this is meant to happen, why is this option available?
Probably down to drivers.
disable swap…. Was changed because user wanted to use separate (user defined) swap, so code changed to allow that. Would need to look at code, but if only 1 swap(manufacturer) then I probably just took that as required.