I have the GIGABLUE UHD TRIO 4K box and remote(pic attached) GIGABLUE-4K_TRIO.jpg

I've noticed the Subtitle button on the remote does nothing (I know to get subtitles through Audio button instead).

I started looking to see if this was fixable but saw that the IR inputs are not handled by ir-keytable or lirc or something I could troubleshoot/modify etc..
I installed ir-keytable using opkg and the output of 'ir-keytable' was:

Driver: ir_std
Default keymap: rc-hi3798
Input device: /dev/input/event0
Supported kernel protocols: nec
Enabled kernel protocols: nec
Name: dreambox advanced remote control
bus: 25, vendor/product: 0001:0002, version: 0x0100
Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

When I ran /proc/stb/ir/rc# cat customcode , the output was 51ae

looking around the box some more, i saw config.plugins.remotecontrolcode.systemcode = ConfigSelection(default="50af", choices=[("50af", _("Code 1")), ("51ae", _("Code 2"))]) which is ok.

However, I can't find anywhere in OpenVix or OE-Alliance code that explicitly maps the dmesg output for 'playpause' (0x50af08f7) with the actual event or even the entry in debug log (18b ) or any other button.

Link to spreadsheet with every button pressed and corresponding 'dmesg' entry and also 'debug log entry':

Does anyone have experience with the enigma2/openvix and remote control codes? Or any understanding of the flow from box getting IR signal to openvix processing signal?
Or even whether it's possible to use ir-keytable or even lirc ?