Quote Originally Posted by taximonkey View Post
When I select the Single / positioner setting my box won’t tune to any of my channel / satellite locations. When I select a different satellite the dish turns as if going to the satellite but then stops and there is no signal received. We set the dish up at Thor 0.8w originally and then I was able to find the other 3 extra satellites I mentioned but USALS was turned off. I can only receive my channels if I have USALS off and the tuner setting is set to advanced. I have 2 tuners connected to the lnb, I had tuner 1 set to advanced and tuner 2 set to Second cable of motorised LNB. Just to be clear does USALS have to be turned on in each satellite setting in Advanced before I go to the Single / Positioner setting?
USALS has to be enabled before you start setting the dish up. This is not something you can add later.