Gigablue Quad 4K - TeamBlue 6.4
Network test is OK (five green check marks), Samba is active and I can access the decoder interna HDD from a Windows 7 PC with r/w rights, miniDLNA is ON and I can play the TV recordings from a PC, and with VLC I can open the .m38u file and play all the channels.
Also WebIf interface is working.

I've not being able to mount an HDD that is on a PC even if the Network browser shows all the other devices hooked to the same LAN but
if I try to expand the line with the PC name and IP address nothing happens even if I can read "Press OK to expand...".
I tried to mount the PC many times with different mount settings but it always crashed.

I tried to join the Gigablue German forums but I couldn't give the right answer to the security check question: "Die henne legt ins nest..."
