Hello, just upgraded my Vu+ Duo4K to OpenVix 5.4.001. All operation went smoothly, all my settings was automatically restored, but now it seems that Samba1 feature does not work anymore (it worked properly in my previous OpenVix 5.3.039).
My problem: In my Windows 10 I like to configure network paths for an ease access to Vu+ HDD and main config folders to quickly copy/move/paste files (particularly recording files). Samba1 is needed for that.
When I attempt to set new network path in my computer, Vu+ is not detected in network device list, so I can not proceed.
Browsing image menu with my remote control: Menu > Setup > Network > Samba: pressing OK on Samba it asks me to install a new package.... must I proceed with this installation? Or what can I do?
Please help. Thank you.