>I'm not sure why you got angry at me questioning why you chose....

Because all I wanted was a simple answer to my original very, very simple question -

But is there a limit of the timeshift buffer with a 2TB HDD. In my Humax it was just last 2 hours, anything earlier was dropped.

And singularly failed to get it from you - or your avatar������

And for further information - the race was in post race interviews, some on D ES1 were in English, RLM commentary in English and I missed part of an English interview because the TV sound was muted and I thought it might be in English. So I unmuted and it was so then thought of using the timeshift record to catch it all.

Hence my original Q.

Which you should of answered first before asking your counter question and then adding the advice. Hence my chuffing anger as time and time again here a simple Q gets ignored and I get something else. And it takes repeated posts asking the same question to get the answer.

So next time if you can't answer the Q, say so first. Eg

But is there a limit of the timeshift buffer with a 2TB HDD. In my Humax it was just last 2 hours, anything earlier was dropped.

I don't know. Or yes depends on HDD size, SD HD etc etc.

You get the drift - right??

And then add your 1ct of info.