I have been operating an Xtrend ET10000 for more than 6 years with satellite + cable + IPTV. using Openvix 5.2.035. Everything is still working OK. Only problem is that on "iffy" IPTV channels, buffering turns the box off and needs to be rebooted.

Having seen the excellent reviews of the latest Vu Plus boxes I am wondering whether I should consider upgrading?

There is an additional point that I must bear in mind. I have been told that to watch Ziggo cable in the Netherlands you need to be a "hobbyist". However, my Xtrend box works OK with a Ziggo card. I am not sure whether I did anything to make this happen 6 years ago and whether I will be capable of doing the same on a new VU Plus box.

Has anybody opinions about the quality of the VT Plus vs the Xtrend and whether I should just wait until my ET1000 dies before doing anything?

Many thanks.