I'm new with OpenViX and have been able to build it. However not on first try, I got a problem. Bash extension is used in the openvix-bootlogo.bb file. The script code from the bb files are used in sh-scripts, not bash-scripts. So for example on Ubuntu, the script will fail if bash extension is used.

I solved it by this:
diff --git a/meta-oe/recipes-distros/openvix/image/openvix-bootlogo.bb b/meta-oe/recipes-distros/openvix/image/openvix-bootlogo.bb
index b09d557dc..73da8a526 100644
--- a/meta-oe/recipes-distros/openvix/image/openvix-bootlogo.bb
+++ b/meta-oe/recipes-distros/openvix/image/openvix-bootlogo.bb
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ do_install_append_vuduo2() {
 inherit deploy
 do_deploy() {
-    if [[ ${TEST:0:2} == "tm" ]]; then
+    if [[ $( echo $TEST | awk '{ string=substr($0, 1, 2); print string; }' ) == "tm" ]]; then
         install -m 0644 tm-splash.bmp ${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOTLOGO_FILENAME}
-    elif [[ ${TEST:0:2} == "iq" ]]; then
+    elif [[ $( echo $TEST | awk '{ string=substr($0, 1, 2); print string; }' ) == "iq" ]]; then
         install -m 0644 iqon-splash.bmp ${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOTLOGO_FILENAME}
     elif [ -e splash.bin ]; then
         install -m 0644 splash.bin ${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOTLOGO_FILENAME}