I flashed from image manager with restore settings and plugins to 5.2 from 5.1.033 on ultimo4k.
Samba no longer starts for me. I flashed back to 5.1.033 and it works fine. Then back to 5.2.001 again and it will not start. I uninstalled and re-installed from the network/utilities option but it will not start .

I have read various posts about adding user/password details but not sure. When displaying version and also trying a restart i get a page full of these....

root@vuultimo4k:/etc/samba# smbd -V
smbd: /usr/lib/samba/libpopt-samba3-samba4.so: version `SAMBA_4.4.16' not found (required by smbd)
smbd: /usr/lib/samba/libsamba-cluster-support-samba4.so: version `SAMBA_4.4.16' not found (required by smbd)
smbd: /usr/lib/samba/libsamba-sockets-samba4.so: version `SAMBA_4.4.16' not found (required by smbd)
smbd: /usr/lib/samba/libsmbd-shim-samba4.so: version `SAMBA_4.4.16' not found (required by smbd

Any advice please ?
Thanks Martin