Hi all,

My friend has the VU+ Zero and it's done nothing but plague me. He bought it from WOS in February and even the initial setup caused me headaches but I finally got it working. I've plenty of experience with the VU+ boxes as I own the Ultimo and Solo and have set up all different models for friends and families. However with the zero I get problems and will not be recommending people buy it in future. No matter how many times I re-image it I get problems. If I get everything I need done within 30 minutes of a new image then it will work fine. After that it stops connecting with the plugin server, can't FTP into the box either via Putty, FlashFXP, DreamboxEdit or even CMD. There is a network connection as I can see from my router admin page and even the Information menu on the box gives the IP address.

Has anyone had this problem? I tried the new 023, 022 and then went to 021 image until I got it working. I see there is Firmware upgrade added to the plugin menu now. Could this help? As I said, I can FTP into the box (but the connection takes longer than any other VU+ box I've used), send channel lists to it but after 30 mins or so I can't connect to it.

Cheers folks.