
Today I seem to be having issues downloading the CrossEPG data on my Edison running the latest update.

I have crossEPG to download everyday to my HDD. Configured to use OpenTV SKY UK.

It seems to do something but seems much quicker than previously and the data is not populated in crossEPG.

Can someone point me in the right direction.


27/06/2016 23:43:11 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.8.1+gitrAUTOINC+18c4f08afa (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (https://github.com/oe-alliance/e2openplugin-CrossEPG)
27/06/2016 23:43:11 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
27/06/2016 23:43:11 EPGDB opened (root=/media/hdd/crossepg)
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Clearing old aliases...
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Loading 'aliases.conf'...
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Loaded 1 aliases
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Adding new aliases...
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Completed
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Interactive: OK action sent
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Interactive: DEMUXER cmd received
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Interactive: OK action sent
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Interactive: FRONTEND cmd received
27/06/2016 23:43:11 Interactive: OK action sent
27/06/2016 23:43:12 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
27/06/2016 23:43:12 Started OpenTV events download
27/06/2016 23:43:12 Reading dictionary '/usr/crossepg/providers/skyuk_astra2_28.2.dict' ...
27/06/2016 23:43:12 Completed. Read 512 values
27/06/2016 23:43:12 Reading channels...
27/06/2016 23:43:22 Read 906 channels
27/06/2016 23:43:22 Reading titles...
27/06/2016 23:43:29 Read 4.21 MB
27/06/2016 23:43:29 Parsing titles...
27/06/2016 23:43:32 Titles parsed
27/06/2016 23:43:32 Reading summaries...
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Read 74 KB
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Parsing summaries...
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Summaries parsed
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Ended OpenTV events download
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Interactive: SAVE cmd received
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Interactive: CLOSE cmd received
27/06/2016 23:43:44 EPGDB closed
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Interactive: OK action sent
27/06/2016 23:43:44 Interactive: QUIT cmd received