Guys, for the last two weeks I've been losing subscribed channels quite randomly. I currently have VU+DUO box.
Checked all internet connections, fine!. When a channel doesn't appear, nothing appears, no information box etc.
I've had this with two separate suppliers now, sounds very strange, can't think it's supplier related unless I'm very unlucky.
Could go home now and nothing... but then wait a while and they appear again. When I restart CCcam or mgcamd, this can cause the programs to stop. I try to avoid doing this moving forward.
When it was my previous supplier, there used to be a red dot against the server details telling me that connection was down but I use this supplier for 9 other friends and family. None of the others have reported losing channels. Now that I'm with a different provider, same is happening again. Was thinking about re-flashing with the new update as of yesterday.
Strange and doing my head in! All help and advice will be greatly appreciated.