AB 28.2
AB 28.2 always makes the large first bouquet when using sort3.
Using the sort method, you can place almost any channel in the bouqets you want. This is based on using the offcial number (LCN). (Supplement file is an override. Best to leave this out for sake of simplicity.)
There are two ways you can leave the bouquets out:
1. Delete the contents of the bouquet in teh sort file. You may end up with an N/A entry. Not tried it.
2. Disable "Make default bouquets" (or similar wording). Using the remote, delete the unwanted bouquet. AB 28.2. This is subject to "unlinked bouquets" being off. Vix hs this as off by default. Pli hads it on by default, and last time I checked OpenATV still has a bug and is always on. This may have been fixed.

There is crossover between the features in ABM. Favourites.xml is simplest in my view.
You can specify what name/bouquets you want and the numbers you want.
I have not quite figured out the way to ensure that key presses match the official number.

Both plugins use the LCN. You should not have to edit unless official channel number changes.

An anology which may help understanding....
Dad says to his son. Go to the shed and bring the vice. Put the vice in the garden on the work bench.

Making this relevant to ABM....
Which provider are you going to?
Which channel are you bringing?
Where do you want to bring this channel? (Depends on process. For custom mix, this would imply the name of mix file. For favourites, you can specify name)
What position does this channel take?