Well, I finally decided to replace my old Spiderbox with a TM-Nano 2 Super - my first Linux sat box. Installed latest VIX image (33) and configured everything, but cannot see any signal whatsoever from either tuner. Have Darkmotor and Invacom 0.3db Quad LNB which worked fine with Spiderbox. Tried setting up just Tuner A with LNB connected to socket 1, first in USALS mode, then when that didn't work tried simple single satellite mode for 28.2E. Zilch.

In USALS mode motor moves, so I thought at first it might be an alignment problem, so connected up old box, went to 28.2E and all OK - 98% signal strength. So fired up TM box again and turned off USALS, just using single sat setting for 28.2E. Reconnected antenna, knowing that it was pointing in the right direction having checked it on Spiderbox, but still nothing. Tried loopthrough settings, and increased voltage. Nothing. Tried with disqec options - nothing. Connected antenna back to Spiderbox and all fine. So there's something wrong with the tuner configuration in the TM, but I don't know what. It's as if the antenna isn't actually connected to the tuner, but I can't find any settings that affect this.

Any help or suggestions gratefully received.