Hi All,

Love the image - its the best thats been on the DUO so far. The thing that would make mine (and many others) lives loads easier IMO is if there was a plugin that would allow autoupdating of channel frequencies if they change or move.

I know this sounds a little far fetched but say we had a standard bouquet set for all sats that we all agreed upon like the old VU+ settings for those that wanted this function. Couldnt there be some sort of script that runs daily that compares the names and frequencies in that bouquet to some sort of live database that has the latest frequencies in there and changes them if they have changed? This would save people the pain of having to connect up and manually update bouquets all the time.

There are a few websites out there that have all the latest frequency info out there as soon as changes happen so they must be keeping their DBs updated from somewhere?

Just a thought......