Hi im currently running an mbtwin on VM FTA all has been fine until recently i started noticing some glitching while using the internet , especially while recording one channel and watching another. This led me to check all the connections and all seemed fine i then started some basic fault finding ie just running one cable at a time changing tuner config etc. The glitching has now got so bad that its almost impossible to watch at times when surfing the net , i should add that i have no torrents running or anything that would stress the connection. I then decided to unplug the box from the net and was suprised to find that the issue still continued. If i just run one cable via tuner A i get no issues whatsoever when i connect to Tuner B the issue returns. I have a 3 way splitter from the main connection and im starting to wonder if that is the problem or is the Tuner faulty?
Ideas/suggestions anyone