I bought the Duo2 last October from world-of-satellite.co.uk running VIX 3.xx with the CFE V2 Bootloader and it's been flawless until now, about an hour ago, the screen went blank and now the box appears to be dead.

When the Duo2 is powered up from the switch at the rear, the white LED lights up, the HDD spins but there's nothing on the VFD screen and the system won't boot.
It doesn't appear to be possible to load anything from the front USB since the prompt on the VFD screen doesn't show.

Is there a tool similar to the ones used for boxes like the DM500 to reflash the box if it's a software corruption issue? I really hope it's something not too difficult to rectify.
I did a search to see if anyone else had a fix for this but all I found were some people with the same problem with no solutions.

I'm grateful for any replies