Hi All

Bloomin weather has just farked up my week old motorized system !!!

I put my motorized 1.1m dish up on the 30th of November. Due to the orientation of my house it "was" mounted on a K mount on the gable looking over the gutter but still under the upper roof line.

We have had major weather up here in Northeast Scotland, in the last few days so I was concerned about it, I'm 25 miles west of Aberdeen.

Wife sends me a message on facebook "i cant watch the satellite system"

uh oh me thinks... bugger it will have moved

I tell her I will look at it when i get home, It dark by the time i get here, I check the box no lock on 28.2 so i troop out with a torch and instantly look up to see which way the dish is pointing.

Only to find no bloody dish there !!! i look downwards and then i get

The gusting wind has been so strong it ripped the upper K mount straight out of the wall, it pulled M10 Hilti expansion bolts straight out of the blockwork blowing the blocks out JESUS !!!!

The dish then rotated on the lower mount twisting it like cheese, the impending collision with the lower garage roof took out the dish (it looks like someone crumpled up tin foil!!), cracked the LNB open like an egg, and even worse cracked the dark motor's cast case(its all farked beyond repair) sat cable is stretched like a bow string so that's trashed too

A big Sigh later and Awww Fu** it... and I troop off into the house.. pee'd off would be an understatement

oh well I will task an engineer at work tomorrow with a special project of making me a new bracket for a dish that you could hang the titanic off, out of 50x50 box section and 10mm plate no more bought brackets.

Anyone know of a mesh style dish in the larger size ? or a good 1m aluminium one thats not going to wallop about in the wind

So new dish, motor LNB & cable on the shopping list !!!

I think I need a cider and to sit in the corner and sob quietly......