
I am crazy thus and thought I could use the build in media player to play music from files, as well as in every DVD player, televisions, PC or, otherwise, somewhere. I'm using VIX3.0.720

I had read in an old thread, that you only must go to a folder and the media player plays all songs in this folder.

So: what he does (not) make: I plug an USB stick, choose with the media player a subdirectory on this usb stick, skip a few songs down, for example, song No. 3.
Then the media player plays Song No. 156 (not no.3!!) and indicates song No. 89 on the TV. Ok, but crazy i thought .

After 3 minutes he stops at the end of the title and return to play the picture and tone of the topical TV program .
I have try this with a sorted list, unsorted list.... every time the same error.

Only one song is played, than the music stopped!!!!!

OK, i use the exotic music format mp3, so the media players certainly do not recognize this as music? Stupidly from me!

More funnily it becomes if i try to play a song (in hope that the whole folder is played) and presses the stop key: There is a total crash with restart of enigma..

So my question:
Is it possible to play a complete folder with music?
What about the crazy title jumps? Is there a music mediaplayer available, if the build in player can't play a folder (I don't want to play the next movie, so the setting of the MOVIE is: return to playlist after movie has finished).
