Hi guys,

I'm using a Seagate 3TB USB 3.0 HDD with my box which I bought new from Amazon. Trouble is that it won't go to sleep when not being used. I have entered the setup on the XP1000 and enabled the setting to put HDD to sleep when not being used and unless I'm doing something wrong it doesn't work. This means that the drive is running 24/7 when normally it is only needed to download EPG updates once a day unless, of course, I am recording stuff which isn't that often.

So any pointers on what I may be doing wrong would be appreciated.

On a side note; I also have a media player connected to my TV via HDMI. It has a USB port to accept a HDD to play files from. How could I go about sharing my HDD between both the xp1000 and media player?

Thanks as always in advance