Prepare to have your eyeballs melted: Samsung is readying a screen so crisp, so sharp, so detailed, it actually destroys retinas. Or to be more precise, it beats the resolution of Apple's famous Retina display.

Samsung has announced it will unveil the new high-resolution laptop screen this month. It's a 13.3-inch 3,200x1,800 screen likely to find its way into slimline ultrabook laptops, offering a stunning 276 pixels per inch.

That's a more detailed screen than that of the 2,560x1600-pixel resolution of the 13-inch MacBook Pro 13's Retina display screen, which gives you 227ppi. In fact, it's even more detailed than the 2,880x1,800 screen in the next MacBook up, the 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display.

It's better too than rivals including the 2,560x1,700 Google Chromebook Pixel. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let's note that it's only a demonstration at the moment, being exhibited at an industry gathering rather than actually being built into any new products.

Samsung is also showing off a high-definition AMOLED screen that promises to use a quarter less power than current technology, as well as a 23-inch touchscreen that you can control with all ten fingers.

And that's not to mention two new 4K ultra high definition televisions bringing UHD into the realms of the vaguely affordable, as opposed to current models that cost upwards of £35,000.

Is Samsung set to beat Apple at the laptop game, just like it's doing in the world of smart phones? Tell me your thoughts in the comments
