
I've been on here a while ago with this issue without a solution so I'm trying again.

I bought an original (not a clone I hope) Solo from here (WOS) about six weeks ago with VTI pre-installed. I want to try VIX but every time I flash it I get no response afterwards and end up flashing back to VTI.

  • I have a FAT32 memory stick
  • The latest VIX: openvix-3.0.482-vusolo_usb
  • I've unzipped it and put the folders and files on the stick
  • Plugged it into the box
  • Reset at the back and waited for the flashing green light
  • Removed the stick and reset — NOTHING HAPPENS!

Somebody mentioned flashing the bootloader — I don't know how to do that — can anyone explain?
