Hi All,

I have been trying to diagnose this issue for a month, since I purchased my UE UHD 4k. Whenever my third tuner becomes in use, the whole box becomes unresponsive and all my recordings active at the time will fail; Physical buttons on box (incl. front power), Remote, OpenWebif, all become unresponsive... the only way to regain responsiveness is to remove power / use the power switch on the back to turn off and on the box. I'm using a GT-Sat GT-S3DCSS24 LNB.

Has anyone come across this? Anyone know how to diagnose and fix the issue.

I contacted WOS support and they sent me setup details for FBC to confirm my tuners were setup correctly (attached) and they matched. Secondly, I originally believed this only happened in standby and they suggested a permanent power supply for the LNB however I have now tested with the box on, using tuner A always, and it still fails to manage more than 3 streams.

I recently flashed to the latest available version of OpenVix for the Gigablue device and it has made no difference. Any help is massively appreciated.
