
I need some help my box will no longer boot and I think my hard drive has failed.

Yesterday I was trying to tidy up my channel lists and remove old unwanted bouquets. I used the below through putty and rebooted the box and now it wont boot.

init 4 && sleep 10 && rm -f /etc/enigma2/lamedb && rm -f /etc/enigma2/*.tv && rm -f /etc/enigma2/*.radio  && rm -f /etc/enigma2/*.del &&  init 3
I could still access the box through FTP and SSH and was able to pull off the last image backup I'd taken and I tried to flash from USB. I've tried 2 USB sticks and neither worked and I think turning it on and off constantly has killed the harddrive.

With hard drive in the screen sits on a blue VU+ logo and does not move, if I remove the hard drive it gets to the OpenVix background but keeps looping.

I've attached a crash log from the box can anyone help or tell me what they need to help.

I can still access FTP and Putty.

