Firmware (Software) Update V10544 10-03-2021

SX88 4K
SX888 4K

1. Fixed some channel A/V no sync.
2. Add. Reload function for Stalker in TV list.
3. Update Driver RTL88x2BU.
4. Hotkey fixed.
5. Add. smod.
6. Info Button Select the groups to hide in Stalker.

E2TV Nutzung auf OCTAGON SX Modellen:
a.) Installieren Sie die aktuelle Firmware v10544.
b.) Starten Sie das Plugin E2TV.
c.) IP Adresse Ihres Enigma2 Receivers eingeben und speichern (verbinden).

E2TV use on OCTAGON SX models:
a.) Install the latest firmware v10544.
b.) Start the E2TV plugin.
c.) Enter the IP address of your Enigma2 receiver and save (connect).

OCTAGON SX modellerinde E2TV kullanımı:
a.) En son yazılımı v10544'i yükleyin.
b.) E2TV eklentisini başlatın.
c.) Enigma2 alıcınızın IP adresini girin ve kaydedin (bağlayın).

SX88 4K:

SX888 4K:

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