
I have a question regarding the tuner setup as am a bit confused. I have the following tuners: 2 x DVB-S2X FBC, 2 x DVB-S2X.

Connected as follows:

Multi LNB on fixed disc:

tuner A - 28.2E - Unicable - JESS
tuner B - 23.5E - Unicable - JESS

tuner I - nothing
tuner J - nothing

So I thought that by leaving tuner C to H on automatic, both tuner A and B could use these to record programs. But this does not seem to be the case as when trying to record more than 1 program I get an error.

So at the moment I have tuner C to E connected to A, and F to H connected to B. This works and I can record several programs. But of course this means that if I need to record 4 programs, I can't, eventhough there are several spare tuners...

How should I set this all up so the box can record either satellite on any given free tuner? Also these two spare DVB-S2X tuners, can I loop these to A and B to give these an extra?
