
So, my Technomate TM-Twin OE display has given up the ghost. The display no longer works, which means that the buttons on the front don’t work either, and neither does the remote, so having to use the web GUI, that is until I get the spinny wheel in the top left and then that’s it, hard reset, which happens after about 5 minutes. I’m not sure if the problem with the OS is being cause by the faulty hardward. Anyway…... So, I’m looking to purchase another.

On the shortlist are :

Trviar Alpha+
Technomate TM-Twin 4K
VU+ Duo2
Mutant HD51

Obviously a selection of receivers, at different price levels and capabilities, but I basically want it for Satellite & PVR, & it has to be reliable, or I'll be getting calls from the wife during the day complaining that she can't watch her Hollyoaks!!!!!!!!! lol

So, great people of the forum, what are your thoughts?

Thank you, and have a great day………………..