if you have any other products made by octagon,then please don't buy the formuler z7+...
my set is the following .(1) formuler Z7+
(2) octagon sf4008 sat/cable combo box
(3) lg sj9 speaker bar

the remote that is supplied with the z7+ clashes with all of the above..for example when trying to switch over from z7+ to the octagon or vice versa
it just totally messes up the menu on one or the other..i cannot put one the other unit into standby or even deep standby.as both remotes from the octagon or the formuler remote work both box..so i end up having to unplug one of the other box so i can use one or the other.
then here is the next problem.when pressing a channel on the remote either remote.it send the volume up on my soundbar ,,its absolutely doing my head in
and the next part is even more frustrating ,,ive got a harmony ultimate remote..but because the codes are using the codes from the manufacture's it still clashes.....
too say I'm well unhappy is an understatement ...