Hello all,

New to the forum so apologies if I am making any obvious mistakes.

I am using the AutoBouquet E2 28.2e with the ROI settings and have been doing so for a few months. I use the swap file to move a few of the HD channels and move ITV close other english channels.
But recently my Sky Sports 1 ROI is not working (it is notes by provider and is being blocked) but there are other Sky Sports 1's that are working (I presume the English version) channel 1081 for me. Which is fine, but I am trying to swap the SS1 ROI 401 with SS1 1081.
I have swapped Sky Atlantic +1 with Sky Atlantic successfully.

So here is the entry in the autobouquet.csv file

401,1309,0x1,0x1332,0x7e7,"NDS","Sky Sports 1 RoI",1:0:1:1332:7e7:2:11a0000:0:0:0:
1081,1311,0x19,0x1203,0x7e7,"NDS","Sky Sports 1",1:0:19:1203:7e7:2:11a0000:0:0:0:

And here is what I put in the custom_swap.txt

#Sky Sports1

But when I do this and run the AutoBouquet plugin, the 401 channel disappears.

Is it because 1081 is in "Other" Channels and 401 is in "Sports" ?
If so how do I get 1081 into sports.

Anyone have ideas. Not a big issue but be nice to fix it.
