oscam seems to be the way forward to manage lines but having problems with it freezing, which don't seem to happen with CCCam 2.3.0

I am guessing its a problem with my configurations. 1 C lines & 1 N line

Oscam server.
[reader 1]
label                         = active
description                   = 28E
protocol                      = newcamd
device                        = *****
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
user                          = *****
password                      = *****
inactivitytimeout             = 1000
fallback                      = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws         = 1
caid                          = 0963
group                         = 1
ccchop                        = 10
audisabled                    = 1

[reader 2]
label                         = CCam
description                   = 28E
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = *****
user                          = *****
password                      = *****
inactivitytimeout             = 1000
reconnecttimeout              = 10
fallback                      = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws         = 1
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops                    = 10
ccckeepalive                  = 1
cccreconnect                  = 2000
audisabled                    = 1

logfile                       = /tmp/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout               = 1150
nice                          = -1
lb_mode                       = 1
lb_retrylimit                 = 500
lb_stat_cleanup               = 48
failbantime                   = 10


enabled                       = 1
au                            = 1
pmt_mode                      = 0
user                          = user1
boxtype                       = dreambox

httpport                      = 8888
httpallowed                   =,,,
can anyone advise?